Happy Wife, Happy Life.

Create a life you are happiest in by creating happiness within yourself.

Family, Lifestyle, Love, Marriage, Wedding Christine Martinovich Family, Lifestyle, Love, Marriage, Wedding Christine Martinovich

5 Myths of Marriage

“Never go to bed angry” A favorite cliche marriage advice. I think of this phrase every time I go to bed angry knowing we can fix the problem in the morning. This phrase and so many others are floating around the universe so commonly known yet so incredibly misguided. Couples are getting married with entirely false ideas of what marriage looks like behind the white picket fence. I feel it is my duty to air out these misleading ideas, not to darken the concept of marriage, but to shed light on it instead.

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Family, Lifestyle, Marriage, Parenthood Christine Martinovich Family, Lifestyle, Marriage, Parenthood Christine Martinovich

The Husband’s Guide

Husbands check on your wives! They have been stuck indoors with your children, and they are not okay! The unfair truth is, nurturing often comes more naturally to women than to men. But that doesn't mean you don't have a place in the family. If you want to be anything more than just "the breadwinner" of the household, I am here to help you be more involved and find your place as a father.

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Marriage, Faith, Lifestyle, Love Christine Martinovich Marriage, Faith, Lifestyle, Love Christine Martinovich

5 Qualities to Pray for in Your Marriage

A couple who prays together stays together! Marriage will be messy at times. Instead of giving into anger, turn to prayer.  Whenever you feel close to one another, turn to prayer. Whatever the reason, just pray. Outlined here is what I consider to be the top five qualities you want to pray for to strengthen your marriage. 

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Family, Parenthood, Marriage, Lifestyle Christine Martinovich Family, Parenthood, Marriage, Lifestyle Christine Martinovich

5 Signs You Are Ready for a Baby

“You’re never truly ready to have a baby.” You’ll hear that a thousand different ways from parents giving unwarranted advice. While there is some truth to the statement, by no means does it remove the fact that you should at least prepare as much as possible. In fact, those who have had children entirely unprepared are more likely to be the ones who will support your efforts. I have compiled a list of what I believe to be 5 important qualities to have when you decide to bring a baby into your family.

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